
jQuery How to Get All Href Attribute Values From a List

Learn how to get all href attribute values from a list with jQuery

Let’s say we have the following nav bar. What if we need to get all href attribute values from the a element list using jQuery?

 <a href="www.google.com/home">Home</a>
 <a href="www.google.com/findyourcity">Find Your City</a>
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If you wish to process a jQuery array or object use jQuery .map() method.

jQery map Method Syntax

$('div').map( callback );

So, we can write following code to get all href attribute values from the a element list using jQuery

Final Code

var aLinks = $('nav a').map( function() {
    return $(this).attr('href');

for (i=0; i < aLinks.length; i++) {
  console.log (aLinks[i])

If we want to get a single href value we can use .attr() method in jQuery. This will only give you the attribute value for the first item found. jquery $('nav a').attr('href');

jQery attr Method Syntax

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