
Linux gunzip Command

Learn Linux gunzip Command with examples

Linux gunzip Command

In Linux we use “gunzip” command to decompress Gzip files.

gunzip command Syntax

~$  gunzip [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Gzip is one of the most popular compression algorithms that reduce the size of a file and keep the original file mode, ownership, and timestamp.

gunzip is an alternative to gzip -d. So, instead of using gzip -d we can use gunzip. gunzip is a bash script wrapper to the gzip -d command.

gunzip command Example

~$  gunzip filename.gz

# The command will restore the compressed file to its original name, owner, mode and timestamp.

The gunzip command also accept multiple files as arguments:

gunzip Command to Decompress Mltiple Files

~$  gunzip file_1.gz file_2.gz file_3.gz

gunzip -r Command to Decompress recursively a Directory

~$  gunzip -r files/

# To recursively decompresses all files in a given directory, use the -r option. In this it will decompress "files" directory.

gunzip -k Command to Keep the gz file

~$  gunzip -k filename.gz

# gunzip -k will keep the gzip file after decompresses.

gunzip -l List the Compressed File Content

When used with the -l option, gunzip shows information about the given compressed files:

~$  gunzip -l filename.gz

~$  gunzip -lv filename.gz

# The output will include the uncompressed file name, the compressed and uncompressed size, and the compression ratio.

# -v for verbose

    compressed        uncompressed  ratio uncompressed_name
        146                 141   9.2% filename

gunzip -lv Compressed File Content with verbose output

~$  gunzip -lv filename.gz

# -v for verbose

# The output will include the uncompressed file name, the compressed and uncompressed size, and the compression ratio.

    method  crc     date  time           compressed        uncompressed  ratio uncompressed_name
    defla 4a4a3fb5 Aug 29 15:40                 146                 141   9.2% filename

Read more at Gnu gzip documentation page

Created with love and passion.