
Linux wc Command

Learn Linux wc Command with examples

Linux wc Command

In Linux we use “wc” command count the number of words in a file. The wc command on Linux is short for word count.

The wc command can count the number of lines, words, characters, and bytes from standard input or in a file.

wc Command Syntax

~$  wc OPTION... [FILE]... 
Option Description
Print the number of lines.
Print the number of bytes.
Print the length of the longest line.
Print the number of characters.
Print the number of words.

wc Command Example

~$  wc logfile.txt 
    3 15 66 example.txt

The output explains that the file contains the following.

  • 3 new lines
  • 15 words
  • 66 bytes.

wc Command Multiple File Example

~$  wc file_1.txt file_2.txt
   1   2  13 file_1.txt
   4  29 169 file_2.txt
   5  31 182 total

wc Command Pipe with Other Commands

echo Command with wc Pipe

echo command used to print message or store message to a file using » operator. We can use echo with message and pipe with wc to count the lines, words, and bytes.

~$ echo "How many words are in this sentence?" | wc
      2       15      30

ls Command with wc Pipe

We can use ls -l with wc -l pipe to counts the number of files in a directory.

~$ ls -l  | wc -l

wc -l or –lines option

Use the -l or –lines option if you only want to determine the number of lines in a file.

~$  wc -l example.txt 
4 example.txt

wc -w or –words option

wc -w or –words option can be used if you only want to determine the number of words in a file.

~$  wc -w file_1.txt

wc -c or –byte option

Use the -c or –bytes option if you only want to determine the number of bytes in a file.

~$  wc -c file_1.txt 

wc -m or –chars option

wc -m or –chars option count the number of characters in a file. It will be the same number as the bytes.

~$  wc -m file_1.txt
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